Machine Systems
Custom Machines and Machine Systems
Custom Machines are machines built for you application, to make you product, at the volumes you require, with the quality you demand, and with the consistencty to keep you competitive.
Machine Systems include everything you need for a productive cell, including robotic loading, feeder systems, integrated marking, washers, and gaging.

Vertical machines
Vertical machines are in essence really well built, automatic drill presses. Typically, a single operation or the basis for building your own machine. The unit could be a drill, reamer, tapping, servo, or could be fitted with a multiple spindle head. Fixtured or not.
Horizontal & Double-End Machines
Double-end machines are great for working both ends of a shaft, pipe nipples, door hinges, etc. Fully tooled with chute feed or a “basic” machine to build your own. We have several pre-designed systems or we can work with you the have a complete custom machine built for your process.
Trunnion Machines
They are like multiple double-end machines in one. Large trunnions are like the smaller ones with more machining spindles. They are great for machining multiple operations on both ends of a shaft, turnbuckles, drive yokes, etc. Some of these include milling stations, along with the end working stations. Fully tooled with chute feed, robotic load, integrated with a bowl feeder or operator load.
Gantry Machines
Gantry machines use multiple machining stations but use an overhead arm to move the parts along through the machine. The arm can often pick parts from a conveyor, move them through the machine, and place them back on an exit conveyor. They allow machining from the front and back of the part. Brake Rotor drilling / reaming are a good example of gantry machines with multiple spindle heads incorporated.
Dial Machines
Dial machines use multiple machining stations for high-volume machining of a part. Machining operations can be vertical (on columns), horizontal (on risers) or at almost any angle required to complete the part. We incorporate multiple spindle heads, 3-axis units, slides, spindles, and/or other special machining components.
Integrated Accessories
Robots, Washers, Bowl Feeders, Conveyors, Part markers, Part Measuring systems, Thread Checkers, Vision Systems, and other “non-machining” accessories are often incorporated into our systems providing our customers complete turn-key cells.
Everything Else
Truly custom machines. These unique machines don’t fall into any other category.